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Should You Start a Podcast for Your Small Business?

Having a small business is all about being resourceful and taking advantage of every opportunity to reach your target market.

As a small business owner, this gives you a unique voice that others could benefit from hearing — but how do you get it out there?

Starting a business podcast is a great way to connect with potential and current customers in an engaging, informative way. Plus, it's affordable and easy to start, so there's no excuse not to give it a try.

However, before you enter the world of podcasting, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

Ensuring you understand the importance of preparation, recording equipment, audio content, what podcast platform to use and more will be vital to get your podcast off to a great start.

So, to ensure your podcast is successful and develops loyal listeners, take a closer look to find out everything you need to know before hitting the record.


What Does Starting a Podcast for Your Business Look Like?

With over 2 million podcasts worldwide, you might be wondering how these businesses set up their popular podcasts.

If you’re wondering how to start a business podcast of your own, we’d recommend starting with a podcast hosting provider.

Here are some best podcast hosting providers you can use to launch your podcast:



Buzzsprout was created to make podcasting easy without adding restrictions. They offer one of the finest dashboards in the market, allowing you to spend more time developing content rather than fiddling with uploads.



Captivate is an excellent podcast hosting platform. This site was created by the same company that operates Podcast Websites, so their expertise in the market is evident; they know exactly what podcasters need.



Castos provides several great features and works well with WordPress. If you want to integrate your podcast content into your WordPress website, this is the best option; it allows you to manage your feed and publish new episodes directly from WordPress.

These podcast platforms are great and all, but they’re just that — platforms. So how do you begin creating content to launch on these platforms and build a loyal audience of podcast listeners?

We’ve boiled it down to the essentials. Here’s what you need to know to lay the groundwork for a successful podcast:

  • What’s your topic? If you’re thinking of starting a business podcast, the first thing you need to figure out is your topic. What do you have expertise in? What do your potential customers want to learn more about? Which brings us to the following…

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  • Who are the people in your target audience? Learning about your target audience will help you solidify your plan for the content of your podcast. Identifying your listener base and their most-used podcast platforms will also help you figure out what platform will put your podcast in front of the most potential customers. It's advised to get found on as many platforms as possible like Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Soundcloud and more.

AJ Blog Graphics - Popular Places for Podcasts

  • What’s your personal style? This is your chance to show some personality and be yourself! Let your podcast reflect who you are as a person or business. By being authentic, you’ll be able to share your message without sounding like a sales pitch. Keep in mind that the subject matter you tackle will likely have other podcasts speaking about it. Therefore your POV is what sets you apart.
  • What equipment do you need? You don’t need to spend a lot of money on equipment, but you will need a decent microphone and some audio editing software to ensure your audio quality doesn't hinder you from a professional presentation. If you want to save some money, there are many ways to record your podcast for free or with minimal costs.

AJ Blog Graphic - Top 10 Microphones

  • How will you bring on guests? Will your guests be in-person or calling in remotely? If they’re in-person, do you have a microphone for them? Have you figured out how to avoid getting an echo between your two microphones? If they’re calling in remotely, what software will you be recording their audio through? We recommend Zoom for remote interviews, but it’s not the only option. You should also consider your interviewing skills; do you know what questions to ask, and the right balance between speaking and listening? Give this some practice before you get started.
  • What will you edit into your podcast? Will you be adding a voice-over introduction? Great! But will you add music? What about sound effects? Every audio asset you bring in needs to be properly sourced and licensed, or you may run into legal issues. Make sure you put the proper care and thought into every audio clip you bring in that you didn’t record yourself.

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  • Where will you upload it? A great podcast can only succeed if it’s uploaded to a great podcast hosting company. We’d recommend looking at our list of the greats above to figure out where to start.
  • How will you promote it? In order to make your podcast stand out, you’ll need to find other ways to promote it. This can be done by writing blog posts on your very own podcast website and publishing to social media channels related to your episodes. You could also collect emails on your site to start up an email marketing newsletter, letting your audience know when each new episode is dropping.
  • What will you name it? One of the biggest barriers to entry is having a podcast named similarly to others or one that simply doesn't have a catchy enough title. How will you provide value to your listener base without getting lost in the crowd? Your podcast topic not only needs to be presented in your unique style but have a unique name whenever possible.
  • What will the marketing materials look like? Have you thought about your podcast artwork? Having a logo? These items are incredibly important when it comes to getting clicks and listens, as many times the podcast artwork might be the item that gives you the competitive edge when in the podcast directory with a whole bunch of other similar shows.

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  • How often will you post? It's very unlikely you're going to go viral or have thousands of listeners with irregular episodes. Active podcasts are often being posted multiple times a week. When talking about episode frequency, The Podcast Host states, "The “best” schedule is normally the most frequent one that you can stick to on a regular basis. It’s better to have good episodes, less frequently, than average or sloppy episodes, frequently." In other words, you have to do what's right for you. Many successful podcasters fall into the one or two podcasts per week category.

Once you’ve figured all of this out, you’ll have a great start to your podcasting career. So, what are you waiting for? Pick up the mic!

If you’re still not sure whether this is the right move for you, we cover the benefits of starting a podcast for your business and answer common questions below.

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Why Start a Podcast for Your Business? The Benefits

More and more businesses are finding that they need a strong online presence in order to compete. This can be a daunting task, especially for small businesses that may not have the resources of larger companies, but don't despair! There are many ways to get your business noticed online, and one of them is starting a podcast.

Before entering the world of podcasting, it’s essential to understand what this type of content can do for your business so you know if it’s the right move for you. If you're on the fence about starting a podcast, consider the following benefits:

Podcasts Increase Traffic to Your Website

By including a link to your website in your show notes, you can encourage listeners to visit your site. You can also promote your website through social media accounts and any other marketing materials you create for your podcast.

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By strategically using industry keywords and increasing your site’s backlinks, you can indirectly contribute to your SEO efforts, therefore boosting your ranking on SERPs and organically increasing your website traffic. We’ll touch more on the SEO side of things further down.

Podcasts Add Diversity to Your Brand and Content

A business's lifeblood is its corporate culture. Without it, no one understands who you are, what you represent, or what to expect from you. Podcasts provide a glimpse into the individuals behind the business.

By hosting a podcast, you can reach a new audience that may be interested in your business but not familiar with your brand or you can build a deeper connection with your current customer base. Whether you talk about fascinating projects you're working on, highlight exciting new clients, or something entirely different, there are many opportunities to promote your business in a way that reaches a previously-untapped section of the market.

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Podcasts Make You a Market Authority

As a small business, you have to think about and monitor your market constantly, giving you a uniquely-informed perspective. If you want to be known as an authority in your field, one of the best ways to do this is by sharing your unique perspective through a podcast.

When you have a podcast, people can tune in to learn from you and hear what you have to say about your industry. This allows you to become a thought leader and a solution to people’s problems. If you make your podcast interesting enough, people will want to listen, and over time they'll come to see you as an expert in your field.

Do You Need a Business License for a Podcast?

The necessity of a business license depends on your state and local laws. Check with your local chamber of commerce or city hall to find out the requirements in your area. However, you may want to consider registering your business as a limited liability company (LLC) if you broadcast and distribute a podcast. The LLC is popular for all types of organizations looking for asset protection.

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If you’re starting a small business podcast, you’ll want to figure out how to monetize it. Do your homework first and make sure that you understand the business end of starting one. Get familiar with the tech side of things, understand what goes into production time, how much of an initial investment is required to get started and ensure that you understand copyright law and licensing as it applies to music and sound effects. By having a clear understanding of the business and legal side of podcasts, you can protect yourself and your show as you build an audience and monetize your podcast.

What if There’s Already a Podcast Like the One I Want to Do?

If you're worried about starting a podcast that's too similar to one that already exists, don't be. There are plenty of successful podcasts out there with very similar topics. The key is to find your unique angle and voice. You can also try reaching out to the hosts of similar podcasts and seeing if they'd be interested in having you on as a guest. This is a great way to get your foot in the door and start building an audience.

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In the end, the most important thing is to just get started. It's easy to get caught up in planning and preparation, but it's much more rewarding to take the leap. You can adjust and course-correct as you go; no matter how perfect you think your plan is, there will always be room for improvement. The podcast industry is always evolving, so it's important to be flexible and open to change.

Are There SEO Benefits to Doing a Podcast?

You may not believe it, but yes, absolutely! There are a lot of SEO benefits to doing a podcast. For starters, podcasts can help you generate organic traffic. Google and other search engines love fresh content, and a podcast is a great way to regularly provide new content.

Podcasts can also help you increase the amount of backlinks to your company website. When you include a podcast on your website, you’re allowing other websites and blogs to link back to your site. This can improve your website's ranking on search engine results pages.

Podcasts can also help you build relationships with influencers and thought leaders in your industry. When you interview these people on your podcast, you’re connecting with them, which can expand your reach and lead to other opportunities down the road.

Through podcasting, you can reach a wider audience and promote your small business to build a loyal customer base. If you're looking to generate organic traffic, build backlinks, and create relationships with influencers, then starting a podcast for your business is a great idea.

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Getting your small business website found in the modern era is all about how many different streams of traffic you can generate. If you're generating social traffic, referral traffic, traffic from email marketing campaigns and utilizing small business SEO services to generate organic traffic from search engines, traffic as a result of your podcast getting found is another stream that contributes to your small business website's growth. Once more, if you really nail your presentation and grow, you'll be generating additional income streams for the business as well.

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How Often Should I Podcast for My Small Business?

This question might start haunting you after you've worked tirelessly to get your first episode out to the world; when it hits you that you'll have to do it all over again, you might start to worry about how sustainable the entire process will be for you. Sure, you've put in good systems and developed valuable skills, but you may be exhausted. So the nagging question persists: how frequently should new podcast episodes be released?

There’s no set schedule for podcasting. Some producers release episodes weekly, some every two weeks, and others only once a month, which is typically preferred by small businesses. Others publish multiple times each week, or even daily. As with everything else in podcasting, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. 

The "best" schedule is usually the one that you can consistently stick to so your audience knows when to expect new episodes. Release episodes on a schedule that you can maintain for the long term, because it takes time to develop an audience. As long as you’re consistent with your releases, your audience will grow over time. Consistency will pay off eventually, so try not to give up if things seem slow at first.


By ignoring the potential of a podcast, you’re essentially leaving money on the table by keeping your business hidden from a huge potential customer base. If you have something valuable to say and you’re passionate about your field, starting a podcast should be a no-brainer. It’s not as difficult or as expensive as you may think to get started, and if you commit to consistency, you’ll reap the rewards over time.

However, it takes time and effort to produce a quality podcast, so make sure that you have the time, money, and energy to do it right. If you can commit to all of that, then starting a podcast is a great way to take your small business to the next level.

Wondering how to start a business podcast? We’ve got more tips on how to make it successful. If you're curious about other digital marketing tips for small businesses, Agency Jet's blog is full of detailed guides, tutorials, and more. Read more here: