The 5 Biggest Myths About Search Engine Optimization
Nearly three-fourths (73%) of businesses invest in website design services and search engine optimization (SEO) to ensure they stand out from their competition. It is important to invest in quality web design services, however.
How do you tell a quality website design company apart from a not-so-great one? Learn the essential elements that go into a high-quality webpage.
Below we will bust the top SEO myths to help you determine what is and what is not high quality.
Local Is Better
A good website is a far cry from a good pizza. In other words, a local mom and pop store cannot -- and often does not -- necessarily do SEO better. Similarly, while it is often considered financially wise and savvy to support local businesses selling goods, like books and trinkets, supporting a local search engine optimization or a local web design company can be a very unwise decision. Why?
When it comes to SEO and your website, design and quality matter -- and they're highly variable. While the quality of a new book will likely be the same whether you order it from Amazon or support the local bookshop, that does not how true for website design and SEO. It is a highly specialized field, and you want to work with a highly specialized provider -- one with a proven track record and years of experience. That very well may end up with you venturing beyond a local mom and pop store.
You Don't Need SEO When Stores Are Closed
In light of current events, some brick-and-mortar locations are temporarily closed -- or open at just part capacity. This may lead some business owners to believe that SEO or web design services are less important. That's not true.
With stores closed and/or with fewer people visiting them, ramping up your online presence is more important than ever before. Let customers know if they can still make purchases or take advantage of your services online, or use SEO to let them know about curbside services, take out, soft openings at partial capacity, and any other information that may be relevant. Now more than ever it is important to have a strong, professional online presence.
Keyword Research Is Outdated
Algorithm updates caused many to question the relevance of keywords. The truth is keywords are just as relevant as before, but there are some changes. Recent updates favor more natural, conversation-like language. It is best to rank using these keywords whenever possible.
Long-tail keywords are important for small, local businesses that may not otherwise have a shot at competing with large corporations for keywords on a national or international level. Professionals can help you sort out what keywords are most economical for your company.
Site Speed Doesn't Matter
Another big myth is that site speed does not factor into search engine optimization. Just like your website needs to be even more present now and in the near future, your site needs to be fast, too. Increased traffic means slower site speeds. Plan ahead, and work with a web design company to take steps to proactively speed up load times.
A surprising 33% of users will abandon slow sites in the first three seconds, and Google openly describes site speed as one of its ranking factors.
Linkbuilding Isn't a Big Priority
A statement from Google analyst John Mueller was widely and profoundly misunderstood, causing many to insist that links and link building do not matter. That is simply not true.
What is true is that link building is more nuanced than ever and best left to the professionals. A professional web design company can help you earn links organically, giving you a strong and effective basis for link building.
It can difficult to understand what sets a quality website apart from the next. Work closely with a trusted web design company to optimize your online presence and learn what is and isn't worth worrying about when it comes to SEO.