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What’s a Key Objective in Delivering Google Ad Extensions?

Google has become a powerful tool in the business world. As the largest search engine, it has garnered many users and continues to grow. Businesses have taken notice of this and use search engine optimization (SEO) to make their websites more visible to potential customers.

However, SEO takes time and effort to produce results.

Google has also created a paid advertising avenue for businesses called Google AdWords. This program allows businesses to create ads that show up when users search for certain keywords related to the business.

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In a Best SEO Companies study where they surveyed nearly 500 business owners and over 500 search engine users they found the various sentiments and beliefs on each techniques effectiveness.


It is now a commonality for businesses to use Google AdWords to market themselves and their products. As with any marketing campaign, though, there are key objectives that need to be kept in mind in order for the campaign to be successful.

What Are Google Ad Extensions?

Google Ad extensions are essentially add-ons that can be used to enhance your ads. They provide additional information about your business, such as your phone number, address, or even your company’s ratings. They also give potential customers more reasons to choose your business over others.

There are many different types of ad extensions available, so it’s important to choose the ones that are most relevant to your business and will be the most effective in achieving your marketing goals. For example, if you’re a local business, you’ll want to make sure to use the location extension so that potential customers can easily find you.



It’s also important to keep in mind that ad extensions are not just for businesses. Non-profit organizations can also use them to promote their cause and drive donations.

If you’re wondering, “what’s a key objective in delivering ad extensions?,” it’s all about providing valuable information to potential customers at the right time to help you stand out from the competition.

Types of Ad Extensions

Choosing the right type of ad extension is the key to success. Here are the types of ad extensions you can consider:

Structured Snippet Extensions

A structured snippet is a short description of your business that appears below your ad. It helps people learn more about what you offer before they even click on your ad.

To create a structured snippet extension, you’ll need to provide a list of up to eight items that describe your business. Each item should be less than 25 characters, and the entire list should be less than 100 characters.



Sitelink Extensions

Sitelink extensions are links to specific pages on your website that you can add to your ad. They give people more options for where they can go after clicking your ad.

This type of extension is most useful when you have a well-structured website with clear paths to conversion, such as an Ecommerce site. Sitelink extensions can also be used to promote specific products or services or highlight other areas of your website that may be of interest to users.



Callout Extensions

Callout extensions are one line of text that you can add to your ad, giving potential customers more information about your business. This is a great way to stand out from the competition and let customers know what makes you unique.

It’s the most common type of ad extension and can be used on all types of campaigns, including Search, Display, and Shopping. It also has the easiest Google Ads extensions setup and doesn’t require any additional effort beyond creating the ad.

To create a callout extension, simply log into your Google Ads account and go to the “Ad Extensions” tab. From there, you’ll be able to create a new callout and add it to your ad.



Call Extensions

Call extensions, on the other hand, help you connect with customers who are ready to buy. They display your business phone number with your ad, so people can call you directly from the search results page.

It makes the conversion process quicker since this type of extension allows users to contact you without having to click through to your website first. It displays your store’s number on your ad that’s clickable on mobile devices. This way, customers can call you with just a tap.



Message Extensions

Similar to call extensions, message extensions allow potential customers to contact your business directly from your ad with the click of a button. Message extensions are available on both mobile and desktop devices, making it easy for customers to get in touch with you no matter where they are.

It includes a button that says “Send Message” and, when clicked, opens a chat window where customers can type out their message.



Price Extensions

Price extensions show your product or service’s price alongside your ad. They can appear on any device, including mobile devices.

To create a price extension, you’ll need to provide a header, a description, and the prices. You can also include a URL to the specific page on your website where people can learn more and purchase your product or service.

This type of extension is a great way to give people more information about what you’re selling. It can be especially useful for mobile users who might appreciate being able to see your prices without having to click through to your website.



Location Extensions and Affiliate Location Extensions

Location extensions show your business address, phone number, and a link to directions on your ads. They can also include additional information, like an image of your business, store rating, or the amount of time it’ll take for your product to ship.

Affiliate location extensions are similar to location extensions, but they’re available for businesses that don’t have a physical location. With affiliate location extensions, your ad can show the locations of nearby stores that sell your products or services.



App Extensions

App extensions are a great way to get people to download your app directly from your ad. When someone clicks on your ad, they’ll be taken to the app store where they can download your app.

They’re useful for increasing the visibility of your app, driving downloads of your app, and helping people use your app more effectively.



Promotion Extensions

Promotion ad extensions are a way to showcase your current promotions and special offers to users who are searching for relevant terms on When creating a promotion extension, you’ll need to specify the dates of the promotion, a short description, and the URL of the landing page where users can learn more about the offer.



How To Set Up Google Ad Extensions

If you don’t have a Google Ads account yet, create one on the Google Ads homepage and follow the instructions. You’ll be asked about your main advertising goal when making an account. You can choose between getting more calls, boosting website sales or sign-ups, driving more visits to your store, or getting more views and engagement on YouTube. Just click one and Google Ads will help you set up your account to achieve that objective.

You can start creating an ad and add the right extension for your business in a couple of minutes. Google offers several types of ad extensions, each with its own purpose. As such, you have to select the one that is most relevant to your business and objectives.



You’ll also have to consider your budget for the campaign. Google allows you to set a daily budget for your ad campaign and will never charge you more than that. The average CPC (cost-per-click) for ads with extensions is around $1 to $2, but this varies depending on the industries and objectives.

Make sure to link your Google Analytics account and set up conversion tracking to measure the effectiveness of your ad campaign. You can also use A/B testing to try different versions of your ads and see which one performs better.

How To Maximize Google Ad Extensions for Your Small Business

Here are four tips to help you make the most of Google Ad extensions for your small business:

Tip #1 – Link To Your Most Important Pages (Pages That Convert)

One of the best ways to take advantage of Google Ad Extensions is to link to your most important pages. These are the pages that convert customers or clients, and they should be given priority in your ad campaigns. By linking to these pages, you’re more likely to get clicks from interested customers, which can lead to conversions.

These pages are already performing well, so you don’t want to change them too much. Just make sure they’re well-optimized for AdWords and that your ad copy is relevant to the page’s content.



You also want to make sure these pages are mobile-friendly. More and more people are using their smartphones to search the web, so you need to make sure your pages can be easily viewed on a small screen. If your pages aren’t mobile-friendly, you’re likely to lose potential customers.

Tip #2 – Use Keywords in Your Site Links

Another tip to remember is to use keywords in your site links. This helps Google match your ad with relevant searches, and also helps improve your quality score.

Keywords continue to be an important factor in small business Google Ads. You can target specific keywords with your ad copy and site links to make sure your ad is shown when people search for those terms.

When looking for keywords, consider using Google’s Keyword Planner tool. This can give you ideas for new keywords to target, as well as help you estimate how much traffic those keywords could bring to your site.


You can also use tools like Semrush to get keyword ideas quickly!


You can also check competitors’ ads to see what keywords they’re targeting. This can give you an idea of which keywords are working well for them and might be worth targeting for your own small business Google Ads. This way, you can be sure that your ad is being shown to people who are interested in what you have to offer.

Tip #3 – Use As Many Extensions As Possible

You can use multiple ad extensions in your ads simultaneously. More is not always better, but it can be helpful to add as many relevant extensions as possible so that your potential customers have more information about your business before they even click on your ad.

Alternatively, you can experiment with different combinations of extensions to see which ones work best for your campaign. It also largely depends on your advertising goals since some extensions are better for click-through (CTR) while others are better for conversion rate.

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For instance, if you want customers to call your business, then the call extension would be most beneficial. If you want people to visit your website, then the sitelink extension would be most useful. By having a variety of extensions, you’re giving customers different options on how they can engage with your ad, which can ultimately lead to more conversions.

Tip #4 – Take Advantage of Promotion Extensions Intermittently

The Promotion extension is a great way to showcase your current promos, holiday sales, or any other offers that may be running on your site. It allows you to include a headline with 25 characters, as well as additional description space for up to 90 characters. You can also include images to help highlight the offer.

AJ Blog Graphic - Promotion Extensions

To get the most out of this type of extension, consider using it intermittently rather than continuously. By changing up the offers from time to time, you can keep your ads fresh and relevant, which can help improve click-through rates.

Moreover, don’t forget to take advantage of the image space by including a high-quality image that accurately represents the offer. The right image can go a long way in piquing someone’s interest and getting them to click on your ad.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is one of the main goals of ad extensions?

When asking, “what’s a key objective in delivering Google ad extensions?,” they’re a key part of creating an effective advertising campaign on Google. They provide users with additional information that can help them make a more informed decision about your product or service. From a business perspective, ad extensions can also help you boost your CTR, which can lead to more conversions and lower cost-per-clicks (CPC).

As such, one of the main goals of ad extensions is to improve the effectiveness of your ads while also helping you save money. Plus, ad extensions can also help you stand out from the competition, which is always a bonus.

What are the three benefits of using ad extensions?

  1. Increased click-through rates: Ad extensions can increase your click-through rate. While it might not lead to direct sales, it’s still an effective way to get people to your site since it shows that you have relevant information to offer.
  2. Lower costs-per-click: By increasing your click-through rate, ad extensions also lower your costs-per-click. This means that you’ll save money on your Google Ads campaign. At the same time, you’re driving traffic to your site, which can boost lead or revenue potential
  3. More control over your message: Ad extensions give you more control over what people see when your ad appears. You can include additional information such as your phone number, address, and even review stars. This way, you can ensure that people see the most important information about your business right away.

AJ Blog Graphics - CTR + CPC

What is Click-Through Rate on one site and What is Cost-Per-Click on the other side. No more than 10 words per definition please.

What is the main purpose of an extension strategy?

The primary purpose of having an extension strategy is to provide relevant information to potential customers when they are actively searching for products or services that you offer. This relevant information can include your company’s contact information, location, product prices, and more.

It’s also a great way to improve your click-through rate (CTR) because they provide searchers with more information about your company before they even click on your ad. The more information you can give potential customers, the more likely they are to do business with you.

What are the 4 main types of ads?

  1. Display Advertising: A type of online advertising that comes in various forms, including banner ads, rich media ads, and video ads. Banner ads are the most common form of display advertising, and they come in all shapes and sizes. You’ve probably seen banner ads on websites before. The website owner gets paid each time someone clicks on one of these banner ads.
  2. Video Advertising: Involves the use of videos to promote products or services. Video ads can be used to increase brand awareness, drive traffic to a website, or generate leads.
  3. Mobile Advertising: The process of delivering advertising content to users on mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. Mobile ads can take many different forms, including text, images, video, and audio.
  4. Native Advertising: A type of advertising that exists within the content of a website or app. It’s generally less intrusive than other forms of advertising and can take many different forms, such as in-feed ads, recommended content, or even sponsored posts.

What are the advantages of extension strategies for a small business website?

There are many advantages to using extension strategies for a small business website. One advantage is that it can help you to improve your click-through and conversion rates. Thus, allowing you to generate more leads and sales from online campaigns.

Extensions can also help you to save money on your Google AdWords campaign by giving you more control over your budget. When you use extensions, you can specify how much you are willing to spend on each click. This means that you will not exceed your budget and will only pay for the clicks that you receive.

Additionally, they can make your ads more visible and improve your chances of being seen by potential customers. This is because extensions make your ad take up more space on the search results page, making it more likely to be seen by someone who is looking for what you offer.

Do ad extensions have additional costs?

No, there are no additional costs for using ad extensions. You’re only charged for clicks on your regular ad. Extensions only serve to entice web users to click on your ads.

Do ad extensions show up every time?

No, they don’t. Ad extensions are served based on many factors, including the quality of your ad and website, as well as how relevant the extension is to the user’s search. Google primarily serves ad extensions to improve the user experience.



There are two factors that affect whether ad extensions appear on your ads. First, it depends on your ad rank, which is determined by your bid and the quality of your ad. If you’re not ranking high enough, your ad extensions may not show.

Second, it depends on the relevance of the extension to the user’s search. For example, if someone searches for “red shoes,” a price or promotion extension would be more relevant than a call extension.


Optimize your ads with Google Ad extensions to ensure that your ad is as visible and relevant as possible to potential customers. The Google Ads ecosystem is vast, and ad extensions give you the opportunity to show more information about your product or service.

If it all seems overwhelmingly complex, the digital marketing experts at Agency Jet can help you get the most out of your Google Ads campaigns. Book a free consultation now to get started.

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