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Jared Sebesta
Pay Per Click Manager

As a math nerd and entrepreneur, Jared has become enamored with the power digital marketing has to drive success for businesses of all shapes and sizes. He has spent more than a decade finding ways to help businesses leverage the benefits of online advertising. Throughout his career he’s accumulated a plethora of experience ranging from running digital marketing campaigns for Fortune 500 companies with million plus dollar budgets to highly targeted initiatives for small family owned businesses. 

From owning and operating multiple businesses, working client side as well as for multiple agencies, Jared has experience in a very wide range of industries and verticals and has learned that there is a market for every kind of product, service, or business.
Jared Sebesta - Agency Jet


A love of strategy in all its forms
Haunted House Connoisseur
Diehard Timberwolves fan!
I love to build things
  • Food: Pizza
  • Hobby: Reading/video games
  • Artist: Stephen King
  • TV Show: It's Always Sunny
  • Office: Milwaukee



Continuing on my never ending pursuit of making complex matters simple.


Many years of entrepreneurial and marketing experience

Years of experience


We can give you the assessment you need

Our free and educational website assessment is chock full of information and guided to give you all the context you need about where your company website stands.

There’s no sales pitch included. We’re just big on gifting valuable stuff.