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6 Web Design Trends Required for Success in 2022

Your website is one of the most crucial aspects of your business since it serves as the point of contact between you and your customers. That’s why you need to always make sure that it’s user-friendly, interactive, and most of all, up to date.


Not just in the technical sense, but also up to date with the current demand and orientation of your target market. We all know that technology waits for no one as it evolves rapidly day in and day out, so you also need to make sure that your website is constantly evolving with it.


Falling out of touch with the current trends can mean losing business opportunities. So, why wait for 2022? Try to get ahead now.


Don’t worry, we’re most definitely here to help. Let’s talk about six of the top web design trends in 2022.


Improved User Experience


First and foremost we want to introduce you to Google’s core web vitals. This was just a recent change done mid-2021 but it’s a huge update and has huge implications on how Google will rank web pages or websites moving forward.


As we all know, Google is the world’s most utilized search engine. So, if you rank high on Google then that means that you are relevant and trustworthy. Naturally, potential clients will trust your brand more if you rank number one or even on the first page of Google’s search engine.


Have you ever tried looking for something that you need on the second page of Google? Not a lot, probably.


So, we’re not going to get technical, but essentially, Google’s core web vitals entail the metrics they use to measure (score) a website’s performance. And, guess what? The metrics are all based on user experience.


The aim is to rank web pages that are fast, interactive, and stable because all of these aspects contribute to how good or bad the user’s experience is on a website.


So, the aim of your business should be to find a web design agency that knows how to make your web pages faster, more user-friendly, and have the right elements on the page that add to a positive user experience.


Everything is crucial. The loading time of the page, the responsiveness of the buttons and checkboxes, and how easy it is to navigate to your website overall.


If you don’t tick all of these elements when designing your web page, then, unfortunately, you won’t rank in Google, you’ll get low scores, and that will lead to business loss.


So, better be ready now and make sure that a customer is not just pulled into visiting your website but has a great experience with their visit, and most of all plans on coming back for more in the near future.


Think about it. The goal is to get them to bookmark you and make your business the go-to brand for their needs (and wants).


Mobile Readiness


Getting your website to be mobile responsive should be on top of your to-do list for the foreseeable future. This may seem obvious to some but most need a reminder that people nowadays are glued to their phones and tablets for a huge chunk of time daily.


And, what do they do when they are browsing their mobile devices? They surf the depths of the internet for what they need and want. People also educate themselves online, so this is definitely an opportunity for any business to take advantage of.


People spend 5.4 hours a day on their phones and, in the US alone, there are almost 300 million smartphone users. This leads to almost half of the purchases made online by way of smartphones and tablets.


So, just imagine the opportunity you’ll gain if your website is mobile-ready. Here are a few tips to do so.


First of all, make sure to tell your web design agency that you need your web pages to be necessarily mobile responsive. This will make sure that your website is developed to work on mobile devices right from the get-go in the programming phase.


Now, a technique to get your web page to work seamlessly on mobile devices is to make sure to have the appropriate content length. This will not only have technical implications but it’s important to remember how short the attention span of people is nowadays.


They consume a lot of content but yours has got to be concise and not take a lot of time to get value from. Also, choose a mobile-friendly template and cut down on the file size for your images, and avoid using flash. Make sure to strategically place your buttons around and add spaces between your links. This will not only make it all readable but also easier to navigate.


Lastly, make sure to make your font readable and large enough as well as eliminate pop-ups. Pop-ups can easily deter a site visitor. Testing your website regularly is also good practice.


Add Value Through Content


Little by little, SEO rankings nowadays are giving value to websites that offer meaningful content to their visitors. Gone are the days that black hat SEO practices could still rank high on search engines.


Today, website visitors really seek good and informational content that will prove valuable for their time. And, Google rewards that.


So, what is an ideal length for web content? Web content varies in length from 200 to about 1,000 words. Our advice, try to hit 750 words as that’s the sweet spot when it comes to online writeups today.


With 750 words, you get to answer the query of a site visitor but get a chance to expound on it a little bit and promote your services. It’s not too long to bore them and not too short that it would lose authority.


Having helpful and relevant content is key. Content that’s focused on its subject matter is also easy to read. If it gets a bit technical, try to incorporate bullet points and don’t forget your CTA or call to action message.


There are a lot of agencies nowadays that offer content writing as part of their web design services, and that can be really helpful to your business.


Modern and Simple Design


Now that we’ve spoken about the internal mechanism and core aspects to improve and keep your website trendy, let’s talk about how it should look in the next few sections.


If your web page looks bare and lifeless, then oftentimes, it will not matter whether you have accurate and meaningful content on it. Not only will visitors get bored at first sight but also question your expert opinion on the subject they seek.


They won’t even give you a second glance. They’ll hit back on their browser and find other sites from the search results.


There’s a technique on how to design and use aesthetics for your website to not only attract visitors but also keep their attention and consume what you offer. We’re not saying that you should make a grandiose website, on the contrary, we think that modern designs harness the ideology of minimalism.


Less is more, as they say. There’s definitely beauty in simplicity, but we’re not saying that you can’t be stylish or loud. Go ahead and do so if it matches your brand and what you are trying to achieve.


Space out your keywords, be on-point with your images, use hyperlinks wisely, and be economical with the use of moving objects on your web page.


Think about it, people will judge your website in about 1/20th to 1/50th of a second, and based on statistics, complex sites are deemed by most as ugly or unlikeable.


Illustrations and Animations


Illustrations give you a wide range of options when it comes to the aesthetic that you can achieve for your website, especially if they match your brand. They can add a personal touch to your web pages and at the same time resonate with a wider audience. Niche websites should try to utilize illustrations for their websites.


Animations, on the other hand, can help your website become more dynamic. Of course, animation in itself is a broad concept so it’s better to talk to your designers as to what you want to achieve so your vision can be turned into reality and executed the right way.


Animation on websites is perfect for technology-related products and services and anything that’s forward-thinking. It’s fun, it’s hip, and it’s innovative.


Also, do you know what’s cool to add to your website for 2022? GIFs! It’s the perfect way to send a message (together with memes) to the millennial audience.


Integrate With Social Media


Speaking of millennials, did you know that the Gen Z demographic spends 4.5 hours on social media per day? That’s above what the rest of Americans spend on social media like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at 3.8 hours. That’s a lot of time.


Social media is here to stay for all its good and bad, so it would be trendy (and smart) for your business to start integrating it on your website now.


This makes things a little bit more personal, not to mention accessible. Seamless connectivity between apps and websites nowadays is invaluable for organizations in not only customer acquisition but also growth.


So, explore social media and you never know. You might inspire the next thing that goes viral. Imagine how that could drive your bottom line upwards?


Get Ahead of the Trend Today!


Here at Agency Jet, we offer various web design services that are tailored fit to help give your business a huge boost in all relevant aspects. We have 10+ years of experience and one of our main offerings is to help you with your search engine optimization.


Good web design ensures that it’s not just fancy to look at but also functional, fast, and containing meaningful content. Hitting six out of six of the up-and-coming web design trends in 2022 is part of our goal and we want you to take advantage of our partnership.


No matter where you are within the US or abroad, we have experience in handling clients with varying needs depending on where they are at in their business growth.


Don’t forget that your business’ success starts with an effective website that will make things easier for your clients to partake in your products and services. So, why start tomorrow if you can get ahead of the trend today? Visit our website and we’ll start optimizing your journey today.