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Do Geo Targeted Landing Pages Help SEO?

Businesses with a full-blown marketing team know all about how crucial websites are.

Every page on a website contributes to the brand, playing a vital role in reaching target audiences and earning better conversion rates. But while everyone is busy targeting globally, we should also recognize geo targeted landing pages.

What are geo targeted landing pages, and why should we use them?



What Are Geo Targeted Landing Pages?

Geo targeted landing pages are key-worded with geo-targeted content that allow businesses to be discovered online in specific regions or localities.

Enterprises use these landing pages to target a geographic location instead of a global keyword or phrase and serve as the business’s primary point of contact for local customers.

Geo targeted landing pages are created to target geo-specific keywords, such as the city or region in which a business is located. For example, a business in Milwaukee would geo-target the keyword phrase “Milwaukee plumber” instead of simply “plumber.” This will bring more geo-targeted visitors to the landing page, allowing for better conversion rates.

Milwaukee SEO Company_Expert _ SEO Partner _ Best Local SEO Service Provider

Agency Jet has six offices nationwide. Here's an example of a geo-targeted landing page for our Milwaukee office.

Why Businesses Should Build Geo Targeted Landing Pages

The benefits of geo targeted landing pages are similar to those of traditional SEO campaigns. However, the most significant difference is that geo targeted landing pages are tailored to geo-specific locations.

Here are a few benefits of geo targeted landing pages for SEO:

Stay Closer to the Target Audience

Geo targeted landing pages allow you to be discovered by customers in a geo-specific area. They can help businesses reach their target audience faster and more accurately than traditional SEO campaigns.

Increase Brand Visibility

Geo targeted landing pages help increase brand visibility in geo-specific locations. They drive more geo-targeted traffic to the website, creating a greater presence in that region.

Gain an Edge Over Competitors

By geo-targeting your landing page, you can gain an edge over competitors not geo-targeting their campaigns. It allows businesses to target geo-specific keywords that may have less competition with traditional SEO campaigns.


To succeed with local SEO you need a lot more than just geo landing pages. This video will give you simple tips to get started.


Ranking in the Google Local Pack

The Google local pack is a great way for businesses to get their geo-targeted landing pages seen by potential customers in the location they are targeting. By geo-targeting keywords, businesses can rank higher in the local pack and gain more geo-targeted traffic.



The Perfect Geo Targeted Landing Pages

We are all familiar with the ins and outs of building custom landing pages. We think about the design, layout, and content to ensure it appeals to our target audience. But geo targeted landing pages require a bit of extra thought and effort. Here are the elements that make up a perfect geo targeted landing page:

Geo-Specific Keywords

For example, if you’re targeting the city of Milwaukee, use geo-specific keywords such as “Milwaukee hair salon” or “hair salon in Milwaukee” to geo-target the page. Research geo-specific keywords to find what people are searching for in a geo-specific region.

Images Relevant to the Location

Using geo-specific images helps geo-target the landing page and make it more relevant for customers in that region. Use photos of the business in the geo-specific location or pictures pertinent to the geo-specific area.

AJ Blog Graphic - Optimize GBP with Pictures

Physical Location Display

Including a physical address of the business in geo-specific locations not only helps geo-target the page but also makes it easier for customers to find the company in that location. Google Maps can also be embedded, which will help geo-target the page and make it easier for customers to find.

Location & Hours _ Tria Restaurant & Bar North Oaks MN

Here's an example of the Google Map embedded right on the "Location & Hours" page. Always be sure to embed a Google Map listing on your contact pages and geo pages if you do business out of your storefront.

Fresh Content

Geo targeted landing pages should be updated regularly with fresh content to ensure they are geo-targeted and relevant. It will help boost local SEO efforts and keep the geo-targeted landing page up-to-date with relevant content.

Interlinked Geo Targeted Landing Pages

Lastly, interlinking geo targeted pages creates a geo-specific link network, which will boost local SEO efforts and geo-target the pages. Interlinking helps make indexing geo-targeted pages easier, which will result in geo-targeted traffic. It also arranges pages and locations in a geo-specific manner, which is excellent for geo-targeting local customers.

Where To Publish Geo Targeted Landing Pages

Businesses with multiple local locations can allot a page where all geo targeted landing pages are listed. This page could be “Areas We Serve” or “Our Locations,” and it is geo-targeted to all geo-specific locations. It helps geo-target the page and makes it easier for customers to find geo-specific pages.

Location & Hours

Here are all the areas served for this furniture store, found easily on the "Location & Hours" page.

It’s also an excellent idea to internally link geo targeted pages to geo-specific content. For example, a real estate business could link geo targeted pages to content relevant to a city. A potential client is already reading geo-specific content, so linking the geo targeted landing page will make it easier to bring them to an actionable page.

The More You Know, the More You Can Do

Yes, building geo targeted landing pages requires geo-specific knowledge and geo-targeting strategies. Let’s learn more about them to prepare for geo-specific marketing campaigns.

What Are the Three Types of Geo Targeting?

When geo-targeting, businesses should consider audience, location, and weather targeting. On the one hand, audience targeting is targeting based on audience interests. On the other hand, location geo-targeting is based on customers’ behavior in specific localities. Lastly, weather targeting is based on weather, which also affects customer behavior.



What Is the Difference Between Geotargeting and Localization?

The main difference between geo-targeting and localization is that the former focuses on reaching customers in a specific geo-specific region. In contrast, localization focuses on adapting the content to geo-specific customer preferences and needs.

How Do You Geo Target in SEO?

Geo-targeting in SEO involves targeting pages with geo-specific elements, including:

  • Keywords
  • Backlinks to websites
  • Images
  • Ads
  • Content
  • Language
  • Meta tags
  • Titles
  • Content pieces
  • Directory listings

All efforts start with geo-targeting the page and then geo-targeting offsite elements such as backlinks and directory listings. Google My Business is an excellent geo-targeting tool for SEO efforts. The tool gives clues to geo-targeting and locating local customers.



What Are the Five Essential Elements of the Landing Page?

Geo targeted landing pages must also have all the crucial elements of any landing page, such as:

  1. Clear Unique Selling Proposition (USP). USPs are product or service features that set it apart from competitors. When audiences know our edge, they are more likely to become local customers.

  2. Enticing Hero Shot. Hero shots are images of the product or service that engage audiences. A geo-specific hero shot can make pages attractive to local audiences.

  3. Convincing Benefits. Every landing page, geo-targeted or not, must communicate the product’s or service’s benefits. The target audience needs convincing reasons to become customers.

  4. Influential Social Proof. Social proof is positive customer feedback that adds credibility and authority to landing pages. Geo targeted landing pages with social proof can help local customers know how local businesses have already helped others.

  5. Strong Call To Action (CTA). Lastly, geo-targeted landing pages must have a strong CTA. This powerful button should direct geo-specific customers to the desired action, such as signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase.

Geo Target With Agency Jet

Generally, building landing pages for specific audiences and locations requires thorough planning, a budget, and continuous efforts through a geo-targeted campaign. Does it help with SEO marketing? Is it effective? And is it worth it? Yes to all three.

Agency Jet offers geo-targeted solutions that help businesses reach geo-specific customers without the hassle. Do you need help with geo-targeting in SEO through your company website? Contact Agency Jet today for a free consultation!