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Your Business Has a $4K/Month Marketing Budget. How Should You Spend It?

Unlock the Secrets of Digital Marketing: Crush Your Competitors No Matter Your Budget Size

Hey there, fellow small business owner!


In this fast-paced digital landscape, it's crucial to adapt and conquer new marketing frontiers.

You're probably aware that digital marketing is where the action is, but you may have concerns about the cost and effectiveness.

Well, fret no more, because we're here to guide you through the maze and help you make the most of your $4,000 (or less) monthly marketing budget.

Did you know that over 95% of small businesses are already diving into the world of digital marketing? They're reaping the rewards, and it's time for you to join the club.

With such a massive shift towards digital platforms, it's clear that your competitors are making moves.

We understand that as a small business owner, every dollar counts. That's why we want to reassure you that you don't need to sacrifice your entire revenue or take wild gambles on unproven strategies.

In this blog post, we unlock the secrets of digital marketing. We'll show you how to leverage its power for your small business, ensuring you get the most bang for your buck.

No more settling for mediocre results.

We're here to help you maximize your $4,000 monthly investment and achieve unparalleled success.

We'll share practical tips, strategies, and insider knowledge to ensure you don't make costly mistakes with your marketing budget.

Consider us your trusted advisor, here to support you as you navigate the digital marketing revolution. Get ready to leave your competitors in awe and take your business to new heights.

Ready to seize the opportunity? Let's dive in and unlock the potential of digital marketing for your small business. You've got this!

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Unlock the Secrets To Maximize Your Marketing Budget and Boost Business Growth

Marketing is an essential aspect of every business.

Whether you’re a sprouting small business, a large corporation looking to expand to a new market, or a medium-scale business introducing a new product, marketing is your way to connect with the public.

Ultimately, your business won’t exist without marketing.

Small businesses, in particular, face the most burden in terms of executing their marketing strategies. Some of the most common problems small businesses face are:

  • Lack of in-house marketing team: Most small businesses don’t have the luxury of having a full-time marketing team. Building an in-house marketing department might be advantageous, but it can also be financially exhausting for smaller businesses.
  • Limited financial resources: A small business may have a smaller customer base, which translates to limited access to financial resources. This can make it difficult to allocate funds for marketing and advertising efforts.
  • Lack of marketing knowledge: Marketing is more complicated than it looks. You need to understand the nuances of each platform, consumer behavior, and analytics before you can build a successful campaign. And campaign execution comes with its own sets of challenges.

Fortunately, there’s a solution to these obstacles: outsourcing. Outsourcing your marketing campaigns to a reliable digital marketing company is an effective and practical way to get more bang for your buck.

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With a team of experienced professionals, you can focus on running your business and leave all the marketing stuff to the company of your choice.

According to MicroSourcing’s statistics, 62% of small businesses outsource business processes to scale up, improve revenue, and acquire new customers. Most respondents testified that they reduced costs and gained industry expertise after outsourcing certain operations.

With a $4,000 monthly digital marketing budget, you can generate the same outcome that other small businesses are experiencing, if not better.

You don’t have to spend a fortune to maximize digital marketing efforts and boost your business’ growth, and we’re here to help make that a reality.

The Power of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is a broad term pertaining to different types of online marketing techniques. It includes SEO, PPC, email marketing, content marketing, organic social media promotion, and more.

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When diving into the digital marketing realm, it’s vital to understand your platform of focus. In an ideal world, you should have different marketing campaigns for all these channels. However, focusing on a specific platform first and then expanding as you grow is a sustainable and practical strategy for small businesses.

Each digital marketing channel delivers different advantages, and they also have their unique drawbacks. One might be a long-term solution but takes time, and the other is short but plateaus instantly. Figuring out the right platform for your small business is the best first step you can take.

To help you weigh up the pros and cons of each channel, we’ve compiled the facts and numbers you need to make an informed marketing decision.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Unleash the Power of Organic Visibility

Whether you’re new to the digital marketing realm or have been doing your homework for a while, you might have stumbled upon the concept of SEO. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a digital marketing discipline that improves your website’s search engine visibility. It involves using keywords, backlinks, and optimization techniques to reel your site up to the first page of search engine results pages (SERPs).

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According to a BrightEdge report, 68% of all online experiences start with a Google search. Furthermore, the Search Engine Roundtable also states that 46% of overall Google searches have local intent. Both of these numbers suggest that SEO should be a priority if you want to generate a stream of customers or establish your brand to a new audience.

SEO is advantageous for small businesses for various reasons, such as the following:

  • Cost-effective approach: SEO is generally less expensive than other digital marketing channels. Other than the essential SEO tools you need, you don’t need to spend much on this technique.
  • Create a reliable authority: Search engine optimization focuses on bringing your webpage to the first SERP result with organic SEO practices. People are more likely to trust higher-ranking organic pages than those with paid advertisements.
  • Long-term outcome: Another great thing about SEO is its longevity. SEO campaigns don’t have an expiration date, and your page can continue to rank in search engine results for months or years after optimization.

Despite this, SEO has drawbacks, like the time it takes for an SEO campaign to generate results and the learning curve of doing it on your own. SEO is a big digital marketing concept with lots of moving parts. Outsourcing to a company with search engine optimization services lets you skip all this.

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Some SEO service providers offer tailored solutions at flexible price ranges. Whether you seek SEO services from a reliable digital marketing company or carry out your campaign on your own, SEO costs are relatively cheaper than most digital marketing mediums.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC)

Targeted Advertising for Instant Results

Next in our digital marketing arsenal is pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. PPC is an effective way to put your message in front of your target audience. Most PPC providers, such as Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising, let you choose between different formats, like text ads, video ads, or image ads.

If you’ve done a Google search before and found the first pages with “ad” before the site link, these are pay-per-click ads. You can create similar ads for your website, and you only need to pay when someone clicks on them.

Unlike SEO, PPC isn’t free and will cost you a few dollars depending on the type of keywords you use and your bid for the keyword. That said, PPC offers a viable approach to get your message out without waiting weeks or months for SEO results.

According to Google, businesses see a $2 return for every $1 they spend on Google Ads. Furthermore, a study conducted by Wordstream shows that PPC can boost a brand’s reputation by 80%. This makes it ideal for small businesses trying to break into the market or new businesses reaching their target audience.

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With that said, here are the advantages of leveraging PPC in your digital marketing strategy:

  • Skip the long wait time: PPC campaign results are much faster than SEO’s six months wait time. When you activate your campaign, your ad will be available for people to see and click on.
  • Easily scale up or down: With PPC, you can quickly increase your reach and visibility; however, as soon as you pause your campaign, it stops. This makes it ideal for businesses that need to focus on more pressing tasks or scale down during certain seasons.
  • Highly targeted: With PPC, you can target users based on your ideal audience’s language, location, device type, and more. This way, you can maximize the reach of your ads to people who are most likely interested in what you offer.

The average cost of PPC ads per click is around $1.40 to $8.67, depending on your industry and keyword, so it won’t break the bank. Hiring a company with digital advertising services could maximize the outcome of your PPC efforts and help you set a realistic budget for your campaign.

Social Media Marketing

Connect, Engage, and Build Brand Advocacy

Social media marketing is one of the most effective digital marketing channels many small businesses overlook. With a whopping population of 4.48 billion worldwide, social media is an open space for companies to find or build a community.

Social media was originally intended to help people worldwide stay connected. Now, it’s also a powerful tool for businesses to reach out and engage with their target audience without spending much.



Today, you can launch your social media marketing campaign on countless social media platforms, but which of them should you use? We’ve provided some insightful statistics regarding each platform below:

  • Facebook: The social media site that started it all, Facebook is the most favored platform by numerous digital marketers worldwide. In the recent quarter reviews, the platform recorded 2.96 billion active users.
  • Instagram: Of all the apps, Instagram offers an outstanding in-app shopping experience and delivers the best ROI. With over 2 billion active users worldwide, Instagram is perfect for small e-commerce businesses.
  • Twitter: Twitter is the quintessential social media platform of all. It doesn’t really provide much monetary marketing returns, but this is the perfect platform to connect with your audience. With Twitter, you can express your laidback brand presence, join conversations about your industry, and create goodwill.
  • LinkedIn: This platform is the only niche social media app on the list. The renowned professional networking site harbors 900 million active professionals and is an excellent avenue for businesses providing B2B services.
  • TikTok: The youngest social media platform, TikTok, has taken the world by storm. With over 1 billion monthly active users, predominantly the younger generation and females, this platform is best if you want to hook younger audiences.

Before diving into social media marketing, it’s vital to understand what type of content works on each platform. For example, highly entertaining short clips with pop culture reference work best on TikTok, while a more professional tone and one-liners are popular on LinkedIn.

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When done right, social media marketing can boost brand awareness, drive website visits, and increase conversion rates. Not to mention that this is entirely free, and you only need to spend money if you want to place advertisements.

The Affordability of Hiring a Marketing Agency

Many small businesses are hesitant to outsource their processes because of a misplaced notion that it’s expensive. However, this isn’t always the truth. In fact, many small businesses outsource specific business processes to cut costs and gain expert guidance.

Think of it like this, digital marketing takes years of careful study and staying updated with current trends to be proficient. Moreover, the tools used in this niche are not exactly cheap. Winging your digital marketing campaign isn’t a wise choice and can be a quick money drainer.

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When you outsource to a top digital marketing company, you’re tapping into the expertise of seasoned digital marketers who know the nuances of the trade. If you’re still in doubt, here are further explanations why outsourcing is beneficial:

Expertise and Experience

Digital marketing agencies are filled with experienced marketers adept in the industry. Many of these professionals have experience running digital marketing campaigns in different channels and have the necessary skill set to back it up.

Additionally, digital marketing agencies have strict qualifications when looking for prospective employees. This ensures that everyone on their team has something to bring to the table. With digital marketing agencies, you can enjoy a tailored and comprehensive digital marketing approach without having to hire and train an in-house team.

Scalability and Flexibility

Unlike traditional marketing, digital marketing trends move fast and change rapidly. One day you’re at the top; the next, you’re struggling to keep up. Digital marketing strategies offer a scalable and flexible approach to help you keep up with the pace of digitalization.

Digital marketing agencies are equipped with intuitive trade tools that help them develop insights and experts that can help you navigate the ever-changing digital landscape. With a combination of both, they can help pivot your strategy in the right direction based on changing trends and customer behaviors to ensure maximum returns.

Most, if not all, digital marketing agencies are flexible in terms of your budget and requirements. Depending on your business needs, they can scale up or down their services, and this doesn’t mean you will receive a reduced quality of service.

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Cost Efficiency

One primary benefit of outsourcing for small business owners is its cost efficiency. Sure, you can spend money on learning the trade or even subscribe to essential marketing tools, but it can take years to master digital marketing. With all the time you’ll have to spend on it, you’ll unknowingly neglect your business.

Digital marketing agencies save you the time and money it takes to learn the trade or build your own in-house digital marketing team. Agency professionals have an extensive portfolio of successful digital marketing campaigns that generate unparalleled results.

Not to mention, several of the best-performing agencies already have established networks with media companies. This can help you cut significant costs on ad placements and boost ROI without going broke.


You might’ve heard that you have to spend a specific dollar amount to generate a favorable digital marketing outcome. While this can be true, it shouldn’t be taken out of context.

Sure, a five-digit marketing campaign can generate significant results because of the expanse it can reach. However, it doesn’t mean you can’t do anything with a lower budget. In fact, digital marketing is made to cater to businesses of all sizes and even the playing ground in the marketplace.

In this blog post, we’ve shared ways you can maximize your outcome with a $4,000 monthly budget. Cost-effective channels like SEO, PPC, and social media are a surefire way to help set your small business up for success with digital marketing.

Moreover, outsourcing to a digital marketing company eliminates the curveballs you have to face when learning the trade. And with their flexible services and pricing options, you can enjoy an effective digital marketing campaign without boring a hole in your pocket.

If you’re ready to take a step towards digital marketing and generate significant results for your small business, start with our free website assessment. Just complete the form and hit send, and we’ll contact you for the website audit.

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