Can Small Business Search Engine Optimization Increase Revenue for Your Company?

Search engine optimization is part of every successful digital marketing strategy.
While there are several other sources of traffic, nothing comes close to organic SEO.
However, small business SEO is ever-evolving, presenting various challenges that call for critical discernment.
The goal of every SEO strategy remains to rank on page one, preferably first position, of SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages) and marketers use several techniques to achieve this. However, the big question remains whether small business search engine optimization can increase revenue for your small business.
The short answer is yes, but small business SEO calls for precision when determining ideal strategies.
SEO and Company Revenue
SEO is inseparable from business revenue as it directly impacts the brand's visibility.
The technical term refers to optimizing a business for search engines, although SEO's benefits affect various aspects and market the company beyond SERPs.
Here are some ways SEO will boost company revenue.
a) Increased Conversion Rate
Small businesses can significantly increase conversion rates by deploying the right SEO strategies.
Essentially, small business SEO improves ranking in SERPs, which increases organic traffic to the website. The goal is to appear first in searches related to your business keywords.
With more customers checking out the business, the remaining part is to guide them to the CTAs and conversion points.
An increase in sales is one of the key indicators that SEO is working, but it should be given your time to show results.
Ultimately, proper SEO will increase the number of customers interacting with the business and they can come from SERPs, social pages, influencer backlinks and several other sources.
Think hiring an SEO company would be a big investment for you company? When you consider the alternative of hiring an employee, it's really not.
b) High-Value Leads
Search engine optimization is all about positioning the website and pages in the best shape to appear first for specific keywords.
The goal is to draw customers to the business and since more than 80% never go beyond page one, marketers have the challenge to identify competitive keywords used by business customers.
Small business SEO tactics should draw high-value leads. Unlike other sources, organic traffic is preceded by a unique search from customers with firm intention to find a given product, service, or piece of information.
Organic search results in higher conversion rates than ads as it features high-value leads. According to SEO reports, less than 15% of searchers click on ads, while more than 25% visit the first site appearing in the organic results.
With a great customer experience, marketers can guide the traffic to different parts of the website to find the products and services they seek.
However, they must first research business keywords to draw the right traffic. It is also essential to have core business products that provide unique solutions and value to customers to build trust. This can result in return visits and more opportunities to make a conversion.
c) Reduced Advertising Cost
The cost of marketing a small business is influenced by various factors but tends to be expensive. Competitors with deep pockets can afford to put up bigger budgets for digital marketing.
Small business marketers have the chance to leverage existing technology and SEO techniques for better results. It is still recommended to set a small budget for advertising to get things off.
However, SEO alone can significantly improve business visibility, reducing the cost of advertising. Working with an agency is also recommended instead of hiring an employee to take care of SEO. It adds accountability and long-term cost-effectiveness. Proper SEO will result in progressive growth and better visibility.
If the business has a competitive offering, SEO can go a long way in reducing advertising needs once the brand becomes familiar with customers. SEO is also cheaper compared to other forms of business marketing, like TV and paid ads.
d) Brand Authority and Preference
Consistently appearing in top positions will earn a reputation that draws partners and ambassadors willing to be associated with the business, resulting in less spending on marketing.
Customers only look for businesses appearing in the top positions of page one results and consider those companies reliable. Appearing in better positions will build trust and brand familiarity.
Brand authority and increased preference among the competition is the peak of marketing success. SEO can help the business achieve that by ranking first in local searches and staying popular on other online platforms. People will see the business as a leader and the growing reputation is vital in attracting new customers.
Other Benefits of SEO
Several other merits of SEO directly impact the revenue a business generates. For instance, SEO can beef up website security, reducing insurance requirements and cost of dealing with a breach. SEO also expands your network, so marketers can explore various other sources of revenue.
When the business has excellent visibility and reputation, it will naturally draw partners looking to work together towards new products, services, or other forms of B2B. For example, marketers can use your successful blogs to promote other businesses and earn influencer revenue.
Trusted Small Business SEO Services
There are several other ways successful small business SEO influences your revenue potential, including maximizing marketing campaign conversions and reducing the cost of new launches. However, success depends on the strategies used and how effective SEO becomes moving forward.
Small business search engine optimization isn't a one-time activity. Instead, it is an ongoing process requiring tracking and constant adapting to emerging changes. Agency Jet's goal is to help small businesses leverage the incredible potential of effective search engine optimization.
It begins with proper web design and hosting, cutting through on-page and off-page optimization and networking. Although SEO can increase small business revenue, marketers need experts that can guarantee white hat techniques with measurable results.
Contact Agency Jet today to find out more about small business SEO services.
More Resources
READ: How To Choose a Host for Your Small Business Website | GET: A free and educational website audit |
VIDEO: SEO Pricing: Understanding What It Means | MEET: The Agency Jet team |